Why won’t you talk about it ?

Today i took a walk down to memory lane after work, my own memory lane where all sort of stuff  from my childhood to teenagehood – adulthood jumble up into one bundle and can only be traced back starting from there. For me usually when i go back visiting that place,it doesn’t gives me the creeps but instead it make me feel like experiencing a sense of auora coming into me and resulting in making my hair stand on the back of my head. I grew up there and lots of things has changed but some are left  is untouched. To be honest i really love the place even though it’s not that so urban like but it’s rich with stuff money cant buy.The only thing that saddened me is that some part is becoming like a clubhouse occupying with myspace people and it’s damn pretty annoying. I have this thing with those genre aye. Well that’s me.Anyway too much to recall but one thing for sure a trip down to memory lane; well  very nostalgic indeed and i’m sure some of you too have your own memory lane.

I can’t be wrong

” Monday – humiliation.

Tuesday – suffocation.

 Wednesday – condescension.

 Thursday – is pathetic.
By Friday life has killed me. By Friday life has killed me.

 Oh pretty one.  Oh pretty one ” – Morrissey

Feeling A Moment

Not many turn up on the 14th for the farewell dinner for our SAC Mr Phua but nevertheless for those who did, making the dinner quite enjoyable one and hopefully a memorable for him. It was held at Carousel and it was my first time going there. I must say some of the food there does not impress me that much but i love the deco and the settings. Overall i think the place isn’t that bad .As for my SAC i wish him all the best in his future endeavours working in the new environment and you don’t have to raise your voice that often like you always do during the afternoon shift.He will be terribly miss by some of us.





Here taken with the old timer not to be mess around with.


Howay The Lads

  Since the arrival of Messiah King Kev, we’re unbeaten in 6 games. Winning 4 out of 6. There’s nothing left to say.Let’s just wait for next season with a newly revamp squad. We ain’t the BIGFOUR which indeed a BIGBORE but one thing for sure we’ve got the biggest passionate hardcore loyal fan around the world and the only team that got a movie call GOALS!